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Volunteers Make it Happen!

Volunteers make the Tour de Wyoming Happen. We rely on volunteers not only during the week of the Tour but also for all aspects of the planning and preparation.

We offer a special bonus to those who volunteer to assist the week of the Tour. Each volunteer can “bring in” one rider. While the rider pays full entry, they have the luxury of not having to take their chances with winning the drawing.  All volunteers receive free entry and free meal plans – and all the rest stop food you desire.

Click here to download the 2024 Volunteer Manual.

Check Duty Options Below

SAG Driver

(5 slots) These volunteers drive the route, helping tuckered riders with a lift down the road or to the day’s destination. The vehicle for this task needs to carry at least a couple people and their bikes.  A big RV or trailer set-up DOES NOT WORK for this position due to the need to pull over off the highway frequently.

Rest Stop Support

(15 slots) These volunteers provide goodies (food and water) at a rest stop out on the route. The best vehicle for this is any type that has room to haul food. RVs and camping trailers are fine since our rest stop sites usually are good sized.

Sign Picker-Upper

(1 slot) This position is great for someone who likes to leave late. He or she picks up the signs along our route and assists the final SAG drivers if needed.  This requires a vehicle big enough to carry rather large signs, although they can also be folded up to minimize space needs.

Water Supplier

(2 slots) These volunteers drive one of our two water support vehicles to provide water at the rest stops. This position requires either a pick-up truck that can hold a water tank, or a vehicle that can pull a trailer with a water tank.

Luggage Transport

(1 to drive, 1 to help) These volunteers supervise the daily loading and unloading of the luggage truck AND drive it to the days destination.

Advance Team

The advance team arrives at the day’s destination early, makes contact with the facilities director, puts up signage and then awaits the Host Volunteer Team to arrive.

Food Supply Truck

This volunteer (who, for more than the last decade has been Rose Fry), drives the food supply truck and stops at the rest stops to ensure they have enough food and other supplies.